Speakers parameters index

Today we will talk about Signal to noise ratio(SNR),it will directly may you feel the speaker sounds if it's clear or cloundy.

SNR Means ratio of normal playback sound signal with noise signal (power). Expressed in Db. For example, a tape recording SNR is 50dB, noise power output signal power higher 50dB. Signal to noise ratio more higher higher, noise more less . According to International Electrotechnical Commission requirements pre-amplifier SNR is higher than or equal to 63dB, post-amplifier SNR higher than or equal to 86dB ,integrated amplifier SNR higher than 63dB . Integrated amplifier SNR the best value should be higher than 90dB ; Radiohead: 50dB of FM stereo, in fact, should more than 70dB;56dB of tape recording (normal),signal-to-noise ratio has improved a lot after the Dolby noise reduction After the Dolby B noise reduction, signal to noise ratio can reach 65dB, Dolby c noise reduction SNR up to 72dB  (all common); CD SNR more than 90dB , high-end can be up to more than 110dB. Low,SNR, small-signal input noise, the whole range of the sound feels cloudy , so signal-to-noise ratio below 80dB speakers do not recommend purchase! Subwoofer speaker ,SNR below 70 Db ,it is not recommended to buy.

For more detail about Speakers parameters  index,please contact me Whatsapp+8613977297824



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